Rasmussen, Veronica

Rasmussen, Veronica
Executive Coach
Company Name
Clear Image Consulting
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I invite you to learn more about me.
My name, Veronica, means "true image." It embodies my innate ability to recognize the beauty and uniqueness in every person I encounter. As an executive coach, my mission is to provide a reflective space, allowing you to see more clearly the extraordinary individual you are meant to be.

My passion lies in encouraging and challenging individuals to understand and embrace their unique design. The inspiration for this journey came from my extensive work with personalities as a result of my learning about the Romans 12:6-8 motivational gifts over 20 years ago. I believe that understanding your unique gifts can be a transformational experience.

I have gained immense fulfillment from my work as a life coach and as a licensed therapist. Witnessing individuals embracing their authentic identities, strengthening relationships, and growing in self-assurance as they harness their inherent gifts has been a privilege.

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